YMCA and Rehabilitation Center - MASON CITY, IOWA

YMCA and Rehabilitation Center - MASON CITY, IOWA

View of main roof structure above 2nd floor exercise area

View of main roof structure above 2nd floor exercise area

YMCA and Rehabilitation Center - Truss Details from Contract Documents used in construction.

YMCA and Rehabilitation Center - Truss Details from Contract Documents used in construction.

YMCA and Rehabilitation Center, Mason City, Iowa

Client: Boxwood Architecture, Seattle, WA and Bergland + Cram Architects, Mason City, Iowa

Completed: 2001

The main roof of this structure is comprised of steel “inverted gable shaped” roof trusses that span east to west across the building. These trusses were fabricated in two pieces at the shop, transported to the job site, set vertically in a jig, welded together at the top and bottom chords and then lifted into place atop their supporting columns. The perimeter running track is suspended from the roof trusses by steel hanger bars.

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